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Do you have information on a vessel past or present that you would like to add to the register?

If so, please use the form provided below or you can download a WORD FILE (for emailing or posting), or an ADOBE FILE (for filling in by hand and posting). If you give your name, you will be acknowledged as a source on the database.

Don't worry if you cannot complete all the fields. Each contribution is valued. Your contribution will be added to others that together will help fill the gaps of information about each vessel.

                                              Original name of vessel:

Later names and year that name changed if known:

                                                       Type of propulsion: (Pick one)
                                                                                           Type of propulsion if other:  

                                          Number of propulsion units: (Pick one)

                                            Type of vessel operation: (Multiple choice possible by using Ctrl key with left mouse button)
                                                                     Type of operation if other:

                                        Type of vessel configuration: (Pick one)
Type of configuration if other:

                                                  Hull material of vessel: (Pick one)
                                                                                            Hull material if other:

                                                                                 Rig: (pick one)  
                                                                                            Rig type if other:

                                                         Number of masts:

                                                   Type of fore-&-aft rig: (Multiple choice possible by using Ctrl key with left mouse button)

                                                           Official Number:

                                                     Year launched/built:          Date of launching yyyy/mm/dd:
                                                          Name of builder:
                                Place, State, Country of builder:

                                     Number of Funnels (0 for nil):

                                                      Type of machinery: (Multiple choice possible by using Ctrl key with left mouse button)
                                                                                           Machinery if other:
                                   Details of machinery &maker:
                           Boiler or gearbox type and details:

                                                          Gross Tonnage:   
                                                 Underdeck Tonnage:   
                                                              Net Tonnage:         

                                                                         Depth:    Units:

                                             Hull deck arrangement:   (Does not include cabin sole decks)      
                             Number of watertight bulkheads:

                            Owner details:                Name of owner                                      Year Acquired     Year disposed    Port registered / based
                                     Owner 1             
                                     Owner 2               
                                     Owner 3               
                                     Owner 4               
                                     Owner 5               
                                     Owner 6               
                                     Owner 7               
                                     Owner 8               
                                     Owner 9               

                                                                   Fate type: (Multiple choice possible by using Ctrl key with left mouse button)
                                                                                         Type if other fate:
                                                                   Fate date: (yyyy/mm/dd, yyyy/mm, yyyy)
                                                                Fate details:

                                                               Type of bow: (pick one)
                                                                                        Type of bow if other:

                                                                Figurehead: (Multiple choice possible by using Ctrl key with left mouse button)
                                                                                     Figurehead details including other:

                                                             Type of stern: (pick one)
                                                                                        Type of stern if other:

History, voyages, technical details, incidents, etc:

Source of this information, book references, docs:

The register has provision for a photograph. To send photographs or other files relevant to the vessel, attached to an email and send to with the name of the vessel in the header and details of the owner of the photograph in the body.


Copyright © 2004 Mori Flapan. All rights reserved.
Revised: 29/07/2020