Historic ships of the world
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of the last survivors of the windjammer era, the Lady Elizabeth
is slowly
rusting away in a quiet cove near Port Stanley in the
This series of web pages is dedicated to the Lady Elizabeth in the hope that some person or organization might seek to preserve the barque before it is too late. Approaches to the preservation and restoration of the Lady Elizabeth may differ. Should the ship be recorded and stabilized in situ? Should it be preserved as an artifact or should it be restored to its former glory? There are advantages and disadvantages to each option. However, regardless of which option, the time available in which to act is finite. I am grateful to those who have contributed to these web pages. CONTENTS
Mori Flapan's history of the Lady Elizabeth Øistein Lydersen's Article from Gard News News - The Falkland Islands Museum and National Trust If you have any information, reminiscences or photos of the Lady Elizabeth that you would like to share, please contact the Mori Flapan by clicking on the link below: The preservation and / or restoration of the Lady Elizabeth would be a challenging task. For similar projects just go to the following links: James Craig