The Register of Australian and New Zealand Ships and Boats

Maritime History Maps

While travelling to new places, I started to record my excursions on Google Maps. As time went on, I thought perhaps that the maps would be a useful reference for anyone interested in maritime history, providing a very tangible way to experience the heritage of an area.

Many of the maps are still incomplete, but are presented to show their potential and provide a basic understanding. Any corrections, additions, photographs, or feedback would be greatly appreciated.



1. Click on either the
blue or crimson heading and a map should appear

When viewing on a computer browser:

2. Zoom in and out using the + and - icons toward the lower left hand corner.

3. The text box to the left lists individual points. These may have been arranged in layers. To turn a layer on or off, click the checkbox next to the heading.

4. Click on an icon on the map to see a description in the text box. The heading is shown, followed by any text describing the specific highlight.

5. Click on a photo to expand it on the screen. Where there is more than one photo you can scroll using the arrows.



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Eden to Green Cape, NSW Maritime History Highlights (historical)

Twofold Bay is one of the few natural deepwater harbours to the South of Sydney. It has had a long maritime history that includes whaling, farming, fishing, sport, and tourism.


Sydney Heritage Fleet History (historical)

The Lady Hopetoun and Port Jackson Marine Steam Museum was formed in 1965 by a concerned group of citizens. Now over 50 years old, the organisation has had many changes of name over the years. This map documents the story of what is now the Sydney Heritage Fleet for the benefit of members past and present.


Wollongong, NSW Maritime History Highlights (historical)

The Wollongong region has a fascinating maritime history that includes the shifting of the main port to Port Kembla leaving the old port frozen in time.


Barque James Craig voyages 2000+

The James Craig was built in 1874 at Sunderland, England. Recovered as a tidal wreck for almost 40 years, restoration commenced in 1972 and was completed in 2000.  The map documents the James Craig's longer voyages and special events from when she was restored in 2000 to the present.



Pittwater to Tuggerah Lakes Maritime Highlights (historical)

Pittwater, the Hawkesbury River and Brisbane Water were vital to the early history of Sydney, supplying food and timber. It also was the location of early shipbuilding in the colony, an activity that lasted more than 100 years.



Newcastle to Lake Macquarie Maritime History Highlights (historical)

Historically, Newcastle has been one of the great ports of Australia. Coal from Newcastle was shipped throughout Australia, and has been a major export since. More than any other port I have been to, ships still lie at the beating heart of Newcastle. Behind the coal port lies the vast agricultural fields of the Hunter, Paterson and Williams Rivers.


NZ Fishing Licence Letters (historical)

For many years fishing vessels in NZ displayed fishing licence numbers that also indicated the port of fishing boat registration. These are shown on the map.


Port Stephens to Crowdy Head Maritime History Highlights (historical)

Port Stephens, Myall Lakes, Wallis Lakes were all major centres for timber. Port Stephens was a fine harbour, but the entrance to Wallis Lakes could be treacherous. With good supplies of timber, shipyards building in timber sprang up to meet the demand for local shipping.


Whitby, England Shipbuilders and Maritime Highlights (historical)

Whitby has a long shipbuilding tradition of particular Australian and New Zealand significance because of its connections with Captain Cook and the First Fleet.